Montag, 30. Juli 2012

Raspberry PI

Raspian Linux image

- write to a ntfs external HD, 

configure /etc/fstab according to

UUID="822482F72482ED8B" /media/Pladde ntfs-3g defaults,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000 0 0

- podcast: 

install "podracer"

- mail server and sending mails using the gmail account

mutt is your tool of choice
use this instruction from lifehacker 
and then, from 2013 onward sudo apt-get install  libsasl2-modules
  then echo "hello from raspi"   | mutt test

- couchpotato: dowload movies when the are available

follow this guide

- rtmp

Some radio streams are not available as mp3... solution: use a script to dump the stream and convert it to the mp3 Here the bash script, install rtmdump and mplayer and avconv

WDIR="$(mktemp -d "/tmp/rtpdump.XXXXXX")"
trap 'rm -rf "${WDIR}"' EXIT INT HUP
rtmpdump -r ${URL} -o ${WDIR}/${FILEmp3}
mplayer ${WDIR}/${FILEmp3} -ao pcm:file=${FILEwav}
avconv -i $FILEwav  "$FILE3"
rm $FILEwav

- Samba 

according to and dont forget to add the support for symlinks in case you would like to use an mounted device

- Sync your data do the cloud

Dropbox aint working: no support for the ARM chip. Therefore I used, as descriebd here:
EDIT: dropbox seems to work now: see 

- Check & Monitor temperature... and mail it to you nice script for local display
and for the internet of things (may fail if network connection is to slow while torrenting)

- control podcast remote with a smartphone:

install vlc
and make sure you use the 3.5mm jack (thanks to this post)
sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835sudo amixer cset numid=3 1

edit  sudo nano /usr/share/vlc/lua/http/.hosts according to
start vlc on boot based on the script , add  the --extraintf=http in the vlc call at the end and 

and finally add the script with 
update-rc.d vlc defaults

Sonntag, 18. März 2012

convert youtube to mp3 bash script

this nice script will do it
call it and call it up like  youtube2mp3 "url youtube" "title.mp3"

youtube-dl --output=$x --format=18 "$1"
ffmpeg -i $x -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 128k -vn -y "$2"
rm $x

prerequisites here;